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Evil eye favorsElegant guest gifts, suitable for curtain or napkin ringClassic style Beige colo..
Evil eye hanging favorsPouch contains 5 premium koufeta confettiGreek style♥DESCRIPTIONCeramic evil ..
Christening favors / Wedding gifts favorsElegant styleHandmade♥DESCRIPTIONIvory lace pouch (6.3' x 8..
Lucky charms keychain Evil eye favorsBaptism / Wedding elegant guests' giftsClassic style Handm..
Baptism favors - Minimal bomboniereMint evil eye - cross and pouch♥DESCRIPTIONGauze pouch with tulle..
Olive favors pouch with keychain Wedding giveaway / Baptism souvenirs♥DESCRIPTIONSize keychain ..
Satin favor pouches with olive branch charmElegant styleGirl's baptism - Wedding gifts for guests♥DE..
Personalized favors Stainless steel 24K gold cross keychainElegant guest giftsReligious style&..
Favors with satin pouch and pearl in 4 color combinations for pouch-pearl(white-gold, ivory-gold, wh..
White or ivory favours pouch clasic styleEnamelled 24K gold cross pendantBaptism/Wedding guests gift..
White or ivory favors pouch classic styleBaptism/Wedding guests giftHandmade♥DESCRIPTIONDelicate and..
Floral handkerchief guests favors Wedding / Baptism guests gift♥DESCRIPTIONTwisted cord beige a..
Rose gold swan charm, enamelled with rhinestoneTulle pouch with 5 koufeta confettiBaptism guests gif..
Tall tulle favors - Minimal and elegantWedding / Baptism guests giftColor options available♥DESCRIPT..
All white Tall tulle and fabric favors - Minimal and elegantWedding / Baptism guests' gifts♥DESCRIPT..